dimanche 23 août 2015

New portrait sketchbook - Portrait number 2

Last Sketch did today with the same technic of the last one...

Who am I?

Hi everbody,

I'm 25, and I'm French. I already apologise for my really bad way to talk english, but I really hope most of you will understand me, and i'll try the best to express what I want. I learned how to draw by myself since many years, but i care much more about the aspect of my painting only from some months. I discover everyday a lot of new things, and i try to explore as many things as possible...and i'd be glad to be learning new things till the end of my existence. I have a lot of interest for people, and drawing faces and figures. I generally paint with watercolor, and i like mix media like gouache or watercolor pencil, pen and ink. I use it in non traditional way...I'm what people would call an "urban sketcher", it means that i like to draw life from real and not from picture, even if I'm still enjoying to experience new technics, calmly at home, sometimes...
In this blog I'll try to share all thing I discover with you, and to show it with my sketchbooks...

New portrait sketchbook - Portrait number 1

I begun my new A5 sketchbook yesterday, and i'll post on this blog all my new paintings, giving informations about how i made it and what material i am using.
I have big interest for portraits, and i'm learning everyday how to draw them in better way...
Here, I used russian watercolor and gouache, and german watercolor pencils on A5 sketchbook of 300g/m²